Resilient Advisor Note (August 2018)
Fidelity Issues Two Zero Fee Funds
This was not a surprise to me or any regular readers. While it has been a 'race to the bottom' for a while, zero fees will probably not be the end of it. What if Vanguard decides to 'rebate' the security lending fees that they collect back to shareholders? The challenge for financial advisors is to make sure your value proposition is sound and understood by your clients.
Article from MarketWatch: Link
Video from CNBC on the issue:
Practice Management Research
Nielsen Report On Media: (Link)
A study conducted by Nielsen reported an amazing statistic:
This is an amazing amount of time spent on the various platforms. Right now there is a 'land grab' for mindshare on digital. Are you and your firm working strategically to establish your brand? If not, it is time to get to work!
Technology & Vendors I Am Testing
Connect Dingo: There are many software vendors that claim they can help you build your audience and professional network on LinkedIn. I have tested many of them over the past couple of years. Most of them make users look unprofessional. Full automation does not lead to results....ever. Relationships are built on authenticity. I have been using this for over a year now and found the results to be realistic. My LinkedIn connections and followers are now over 6,000. Most of my posts/podcasts on the platform reach thousands of people each week. The most important result from my efforts has been authentic connections that I have made sifting through my network.
Here is a quick video on how I use the platform. I do not really do it the justice that it deserves. Here is my affiliate link if you are interested in a demo:
From the website:
ConnectDingo 2 can automate all of the following strategies and more:
Profile Viewing – view profiles so they view yours in return
Connection Requests – personalized invitations to connect
Connect From Profile View – send an invite to those who view your profile
Welcome Message – welcome new connections to your network
Congratulations – wish connections happy birthday and more
Share Curated Content – find relevant articles and videos and post to LinkedIn
Promo Message – send mass messages to your connections
Over 50 other features
Extensive Training Program
Unrivaled Support
Updates From Previous Notes (Link):
Loom: I continue to use Loom. The platform is a differentiator and still free! Check them out here:
Leverage: I signed up for an account with Leverage and did not have a great experience. After an 'on-boarding call' I was more confused about how they could help. After trying to figure out their process I just gave up. They want you to use several pieces of technology that make THEIR job easier, but not yours. I was able to get one project complete (an excel file built), but I cancelled my service. It did not really save me any time. Check them out here:
Amazon Alexa: I am still not comfortable with Amazons promise to not record my conversations. Here is a New York Times article about the challenging experience one user had when their device started sharing private conversations. (Link)
Mighty Networks: I played with MN for a month and decided to not build on their platform. It is slick, but I could not get past the idea that I could spends months or years building a network and brand on the platform and then they could go out of business. Check them out here:
Recent Resilient Advisor Podcasts
Mark Yusko is the CEO and CIO of Morgan Creek Capital Management. He is quickly becoming a thought leader on Blockchain and all its applications. (Link)
Matt Halloran and I discuss how financial advisors who want to grow can leverage digital techniques for their prospecting efforts. (Link)
Kyle Wiggs of eXact Strategies comes on the podcast to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on the financial advisory business.(Link)