Jay Coulter

Business Consulting & Performance Coaching For Financial Advisors
Most advisors, teams and firms
struggle with 4 roadblocks:
1. They don't feel like they are taking care of their existing clients.
2. They are not confident in their investment process and story.
3. They do not have a system to drive new business.
4. They don't feel that they are leading their team effectively.
the cornerstone consulting program
will help you transform your business
Advisors that complete the program have:
A defined client touchpoint system
A branded wealth management story & process
a systematized growth program
A proven tool that empowers leadership & Growth
1. business Analysis
We do an analysis of your human and business capital. This includes the Koble assessment, detailed book analysis and SWOT profile.
2. Client Touchpoint system
We build a custom client touchpoint system that ensures all of your clients are serviced at the appropriate levels.
3. wealth management system
This system will provide you with clarity about your value proposition, story and brand.
4. business growth system
This system will help map the best path for growth. A system that helps you build influence, define your niche or build COI's.
5. Leadership System
I will teach you and your team The OKR Leadership System that is used by Google, Amazon, Disney and other high growth companies.
Cornerstone Program: $1000 per adviser per month*
• 3-6 month consulting program
• Weekly scheduled calls/Zoom meetings with unlimited access between calls
• Unlimited access to Resilient Portfolio Models
Performance Coaching (Optional): $500 per month**
• Bi-weekly scheduled calls/Zoom meetings with unlimited access between calls
• Unlimited access to Resilient Portfolio Models
* Multiple advisors will receive a 25% discount ($750 per month)
** After the Cornerstone Program is complete